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Ever eat so much you’re completely stuffed? Or thinking about food 1 hour after your meal? If this sounds familiar: you might need to check if you eat enough per meal. Many people think portion control is very difficult and overwhelming if you’re unfamiliar with the sizes of the food we consume. To help you out, we have gathered some tips to help you with successful portion control.
Do you also sometimes suffer from that bad afternoon dip after lunch? Difficult to get back on track after lunch at work or, for example, going out for a nice walk? Don’t worry, because you’re not alone! The lunch dip is a common phenomenon (which is also sometimes called afternoon dip) that many people experience, but fortunately there are simple ways to be able to overcome it and get and keep your energy back up!
Our current lives are essentially the result of our habits. We wake up, have breakfast with a Jake Shake, go to work, have a Vitamin Bar as a snack, dinner, watch a series and sleep. It all comes from our habits. The things we do daily and spend time on ultimately shape the person we are, our beliefs and our personality.
Our brains are the epicenter of our functioning, responsible for everything from thinking and learning to emotions and motor skills. Therefore, it is very important to take good care of our brains, and one way we can do that is through nutrition. What we eat directly affects the health of our brain. In this article, we will discuss some foods known for their positive effects on brain function.
Vegans do not consume foods or products that come from animals. Among other things, they do not eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy but at the same time they do not wear leather, silk and wool because these are also animal products. Keeping track of all this can still be quite a task and sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. There are also quite a few products that at first glance appear to be vegan, but are not when you delve into the ingredients and their origins. We have researched 10 of these foods for you and highlighted them in more detail below so that in the future you will know which products are better to leave out if you are vegan.
The world faces numerous challenges in terms of food security, environmental pollution and climate change. One possible solution that has received increasing attention in recent decades is to shift to a plant-based diet. Veganism can now play an important role in feeding our growing global population in a sustainable way. This blog discusses how the world can be fed with exclusively vegan food and the benefits it brings.