Health dangers of overweight and obesity
5 April 2023

Health dangers of overweight and obesity

Perhaps a sensitive subject for those dealing with it is obesity. Being in a calorie surplus for a longer period of time, resulting in obesity, entails several risks. Namely the development of: high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Ways to manage cramps
8 March 2023

Ways to manage cramps

In fact, everyone suffers from muscle cramps once in a while. The word cramp comes from the English word cram, which refers to uncomfortable squeezing. Cramp is recognized by a sudden contraction of muscles accompanied by an excruciating pain and spasm lasting a few seconds to minutes.

The importance of dietary fiber
14 February 2023

The importance of dietary fiber

A generous intake of fibre reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and digestive organ disorders.

How much water do you need per day
1 February 2023

How much water do you need per day

The healthiest choice to hydrate yourself is to choose to drink water. People consist of a large part of water: 65% of the total body weight. Read it here.

Intermittent fasting
15 December 2021

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting – all the knowhow Intermittent fasting is a method of time-limited eating (usually 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating) that has gained popularity in recent years. The method shows promise as a potential new approach to weight loss as well as reducing inflammation and has many potential long-term health benefits. […]

Keto diet – 5 must knows before starting a keto diet
2 September 2021

Keto diet – 5 must knows before starting a keto diet

Keto diets are popular, not unjustly because it is an highly effective diet. But before starting one, read these must knows!

What are the benefits of peas in the Jake Food shakes or bars?
30 August 2021

What are the benefits of peas in the Jake Food shakes or bars?

What are the benefits of peas in Jake? Peas are the protein source in Jake’s shakes and bars, you can find them on the ingredient declaration as pea protein isolate. Pea Protein is obtained by a process that includes a dry and a liquid phase. First, during a drying process, the outer shell of the […]