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Magnesium is a mineral that plays a key role in your daily health. It supports hundreds of functions in your body, including your energy production, muscle function and even sleep. But what makes magnesium so special? And why is it essential for good health? Our dietitian takes you through its key properties.
Ever eat so much you’re completely stuffed? Or thinking about food 1 hour after your meal? If this sounds familiar: you might need to check if you eat enough per meal. Many people think portion control is very difficult and overwhelming if you’re unfamiliar with the sizes of the food we consume. To help you out, we have gathered some tips to help you with successful portion control.
Do you also sometimes suffer from that bad afternoon dip after lunch? Difficult to get back on track after lunch at work or, for example, going out for a nice walk? Don’t worry, because you’re not alone! The lunch dip is a common phenomenon (which is also sometimes called afternoon dip) that many people experience, but fortunately there are simple ways to be able to overcome it and get and keep your energy back up!
In today’s busy society, we are constantly exposed to a stream of stimuli, responsibilities and the present pressure to not only perform, but to live the perfect balanced life. Balance in terms of health, exercise, food choices, social interactions, chasing our dreams or simply relaxing and doing fun things. It can be easy for all these pursuits to neglect much-needed rest and restoration of our sleep. But what many sometimes forget is that sleep is one of the most essential elements for good health, and lays the foundation for doing all those other important tasks, even relaxing and enjoying ourselves. So why is a good night’s sleep so crucial, and how can we strengthen our sleep quality? We’ll explain.
Every morning, many of us greet the day with a familiar ritual: The first sip of that hot (or icy cold) coffee. But behind this cup is more than just the delicious taste; the power of caffeine, from its biological impact on our brain to whether morning coffee really contributes to a more productive day. In this blog, we take you through this, but we also look at the potential drawbacks, individual differences in reaction and name alternatives such as our own delicious Jake products.