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Every morning, many of us greet the day with a familiar ritual: The first sip of that hot (or icy cold) coffee. But behind this cup is more than just the delicious taste; the power of caffeine, from its biological impact on our brain to whether morning coffee really contributes to a more productive day. In this blog, we take you through this, but we also look at the potential drawbacks, individual differences in reaction and name alternatives such as our own delicious Jake products.
Organic Impact
Let’s zoom in on what really happens when you take that first sip of your morning coffee. Scientifically translated, caffeine emerges as a messenger that activates your brain. By stimulating the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and adrenaline, it sets off a chain reaction that leads to increased alertness and concentration. Physiological (Poole et al., 2017).
Productivity and focus
Scientific studies show that caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive functions. Functions involve your attention, memory improvement and reaction time. Some studies even suggest that caffeine may promote the formation of new memories, possibly by affecting the activity of certain neurotransmitters (Poole et al., 2017). It’s not just a flavorful pick-me-up; it’s a biochemical reaction that gets your brain in gear in the morning.
Possible drawbacks
But let’s face it. Excessive caffeine consumption can have drawbacks, of course. It can eventually lead to nervousness and irritability. You may also experience headaches, heart palpitations or sleep problems. So a little vigilance is important; it’s all about balance and conscious enjoyment. On average, it is recommended that adults drink no more than 5 cups of coffee per day (Nutrition Center).
Individual differences
Everyone reacts slightly differently to caffeine. Research has shown that due to hereditary predisposition, the breakdown rate of caffeine can vary from person to person (Nutrition Center, s.d.). Some people can drink a double espresso without blinking while others would become overexcited from it. Also, of course, the amount of coffee you drink determines whether or not your body is used to caffeine. Understanding how your body reacts is the key. Test, listen to yourself and adjust your caffeine consumption to your own needs.
There are many different alternatives for people who are not fond of the coffee flavor, for example, but still want to experience that boost of caffeine. You can pull out a nice cup of old-fashioned tea, but even the alternative like the emerging refined green tea Matcha, can offer an energy boost due to the slow release of caffeine.
Of course, it is important to start not only with that cup of energy boost, but also with the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and vitamins. So if you’re not only looking for an invigorating caffeine kick, but also an easy way to get all your essential nutrients with your breakfast or meal, Jake’s products are a really good option!
Our Jake Vitaminbar Coffee Cacao and Jake shake Coffee contain all the nutrients you need, with the taste of coffee! You can take them anywhere, so they are ideal for breakfast or lunch.

Poole, R., Kennedy, O., Roderick, P., Fallowfield, J., Hayes, P., & Parkes, J. (2017). Coffee Consumption and Health: Umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes. BMJ, j5024. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j5024
Voedingscentrum.(z.d.). Cafeïne. https://www.voedingscentrum.nl/encyclopedie/cafeine#:~:text=Wat%20te%20veel%20cafe%C3%AFne%20is,%2C%20prikkelbaarheid%2C%20slaapproblemen%20en%20angstgevoelens.
Nehlig, A. N. (2018, april). Interindividual Differences in Caffeine Metabolism and Factors Driving Caffeine Consumption (S. P. H. A. Alexander, Red.). pharmrev.aspetjournals.org. https://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/content/70/2/384