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We believe that eating healthy should be easy. And it doesn’t get easier than having your meal replacement shakes and bars delivered to your doorstep, automatically.
Easier ordering
You place a subscription by checking the box next to “subscribe monthly” on the product pages before you add the products to your cart. You’ll then receive those products every month, instead of just once. Pretty simple. You can then cancel or pause your subscription anytime you like (no terms, no fees).
Save money
Subscriptions make our lives easier as well. They allow us to plan supplies and deliveries further ahead. As you can imagine, this saves us time and effort and thus money. We think it’s fair that that’s reflected in the price. That’s why subscriptions save you about 10%.
Paypal and credit card
You can subscribe with Paypal or your credit card. All subscriptions are handled by Paypal. But you do not necessarily need to have a Paypal account. Although the check-out is always handled by Paypal, you can still subscribe using just your credit card.
Terms and conditions
You can cancel or pause your subscription whenever you want. There is no notice period. Are you a few weeks abroad or are you simply using more or less Jake than expected? Then you can also temporarily suspend your subscription. You do all this in your Jake Account .
That’s all there’s to it. If you have any questions, let us know.