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When we say Jake is healthy, what exactly does this mean? Here, we’ve summarised some of the key nutrition facts that make Jake a good choice for any meal of the day.
Jake is high in protein
Jake is a source of potassium
Jake is a source of these vitamins and minerals:
- Iron and copper
Iron and copper are minerals, which your body can’t make itself. They both contribute to the normal functioning of your immune system.
Every Jake meal provides you with 25-33% of your daily RDA for iron and copperSource: Jake.
- Calcium and magnesium
Calcium and magnesium help you keep your bones strong and they’re good for your nervous system.
Every Jake meal provides you with 25-33% of your daily RDA for calcium and magnesiumSource: Jake.
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D increases calcium absorption in your bones. It also supports the normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in your blood.
Every Jake meal provides you with 50-67% of your daily RDA for vitamin DSource: Jake.
- Iodine, thiamine, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12
Every Jake meal provides you with 25-33% of your daily RDA for iodine, thiamine, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12Source: Jake.
Afraid to miss out on essential nutrients your body needs? You can always take our Jake meal replacement shakes or one of our delicious meal replacement bars.